The first cordless, mobile display system
You have two approaches to power with Juce™; either an onboard or a swappable battery system using August Berres’ C-power™.
The onboard battery system is intended for a large monitor that uses up to 150W. The onboard version can be specified with one, three, or six 200Wh batteries. With a six-battery 1200Wh design a monitor that uses 150W could operate for about eight hours before charging is necessary.,
The charging system is incorporated into the design of the product. Connect it to any available wall outlet.
Other features include two USB-C connections and an inverter with three 120V receptacles.
The swappable battery system is intended for a smaller monitor that uses up to 100W and is designed with an external power supply such as those marketed by LG or Samsung.
Since 27”-32” monitors typically use between 25-35W, a single 200Wh C-power™ may operate for six to eight hours before a swap is necessary.
Product Options
Select from ten complementary colors for the front face of Juce™. The other column surfaces feature a metallic finish.
Imagine these applications.
Use Juce™ as a portable display system for online meetings, as a presentation display, as an announcement board, as an ordering kiosk, as a classroom presentation tool, as a device for digital advertising, as part of your audio-visual system, as a stage display, as part of your trade show presentation equipment, or for an outdoor meeting.
Or get more creative … a portable sports bar, a restaurant pre-ordering system or menu board (at your table), at concerts, or in churches.
Power Configurations
A standard removable tray or an optional worksurface can be positioned at a sitting or standing height position. Juce can be a mobile display system or a mobile workstation.
A front view of Juce™. Shown with the optional tabletop positioned in a stand-up position. This setup is useful for on-the-go task such as quality control inspections, physical inventory, or “sign-in” stations.
Determining Your Battery Storage Requirements
The amount of power consumed by a monitor varies significantly depending primarily on the size of the monitor and the brightness. You may find monitors that consume as little as 15 Watts. Or others that consume more than 200 Watts. Fortunately, monitor manufacturers include power consumption in their published specifications.
The number of Watt-hours you need depends on the amount of power your monitor uses and the number of hours you want to operate it before requiring recharging.
If your application typically features fast-moving video, like sports or gaming programs, you may want a large screen, high-refresh-rate monitor. In this case, the Juce 1200 Watt versions might be appropriate.
If your application uses fixed images or a slide show, a lower-wattage monitor might be appropriate, and paired with a 200 or 600 Watt Juce configuration.
It is always wise to test the combinations of monitors and Juce products you select before making a large commitment.
An extra large handle assists you in safely moving Juce from location to location.
Juce™ front face paint finish options. Glacier blue is shown on the product in the header on this page and red on the product in the images on the right.
Juce™ wood components are available in five solid colors. Learn more here.
You can also order an optional worksurface. Place it in a sitting or standing position.