Powered Conference Tables without Floor Coring
Almost no place in a commercial workplace is a higher profile area than a conference room.
Having cords and cables on the floor is unsightly and unacceptable.
With 120V power solutions, the typical way to solve the problem is to core the floor to hide the wires. This is usually an expensive project. In some high-rise buildings, coring the floor is impossible as there may be structural elements in the floor that cannot be removed. And, once a floor is cored, the conference room becomes a monument in the layout, difficult to move.
Uncord™ solves this decades-long problem.
Why Cordless Conference Tables Matter
Kit Components
Each Uncord™ Kit includes a portable battery assembly that contains three batteries and six USB-C receptacles. Each of the batteries provide 200Wh of power, enough for two laptops to operate for an entire day.
The portable battery assembly can be easily lifted from the table and placed in an August Berres Roll-Out drawer or desktop charger. No tools are required. Learn more about August Berres’ charging systems here.
A bottom cover is provided that fits into a routed hole in the table. This can be installed in the false bottom as illustrated on this page or directly on the table surface.
To orient the battery assembly, the bottom cover design nests with the battery assembly. We provide a template so your conference table partner can manufacture the correct size opening.
For a larger table (more than six seats), you can install one unit near each end of the table.
Most conference rooms have a credenza that matches the table. To maintain a clean, uncluttered appearance we imagined a Roll-Out drawer charging system that could be incorporated into the design of a 24” deep credenza.
Shown on the right: a Roll-out charger designed into a credenza. (This installation is provided courtesy of Action Laminates in Hayward, California.)
Shown above: an Uncord™ battery assembly installed in a false bottom in a conference table in the open position. (This installation is provided courtesy of Action Laminates in Hayward, California). The image below shows the closed position.