August 1, 2022
California Publishes Title 24, Part 6 Energy Efficiency Standards
New rules include requirements for Solar+Batteries on all new construction.
On July 11, 2022, the California Energy Commission issued Reference Appendices for the 2022 Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6).
Notably, the newly published standards require photovoltaic (PV, a.k.a. Solar) panels on all new construction including schools and commercial office buildings. In addition, all new PV installations must include battery storage.
The requirements vary by the type of building and climate zone, but the most vigorous requirements relate to schools and commercial office buildings.
According to Bob Kroon, Founder, and CEO of August Berres, “battery-powered office furniture is an ideal product to fold into your plans for meeting these requirements. California is typically the leader in sustainability rule-making so we expect similar standards to be published in other states.”
For more information, HERE is a link to the Energy Commission landing page for these requirements.