Not Enough Power
More power generation is not the only way to supply power during peak-demand times on the grid. Batteries, charged during off-peak hours and depleted during peak hours, are a cost-effective and reliable way to address the resource adequacy issue.
Power Everywhere You Work
Power to work wherever you want to work; in a casual work area, a cafeteria or restaurant, a coffee shop, at a table with a co-worker, outdoors ,,, where else?
Respond! Product Showcase
What could you do to retain employees? Consider adding casual work areas. Check out this idea for an At-Home, At-Work area in your office.
Remedy Problems, Enhance Experiences
Can a better office environment change the calculus regarding work-from-home versus work-from-office?
Rethinking Sustainability
Until now, sustainability in furniture manufacturing involved using sustainable materials and sustainable processes. Battery power adds another facet to our sustainability story.
Really? What is an Agile Workspace?
We are witnessing the dawn of battery-powered systems furniture. Our thinking is no longer constrained by the need for 120V power. We can give new meaning to “flexibility”.
Managing a Battery-Powered Workplace
What roles do you need to manage a battery-powered, flexible workplace like our Respond! office system?
Power Everywhere You Work
In the past, many of us equated being at a desk as being at work. If we were not at our desks, we were not at work.
Times have changed. For some, working in a coffee shop is a way to work alone and still be around other people. Working from home can have its advantages. Working in a restaurant or cafeteria can be a choice.
What Can You Do With 200Wh?
What are the limits to the Respond! power system? How long can you power your office workstation? Your equipment selections matter. Read more here.
Mid Year Update: Monitors
Mid-year 2022 monitor review for Respond! power system compatible monitors. The result? They’re better, consume less energy, and lower cost!